Terms of Use

The Gionet Fairley Wood LLP Policy

Gionet Fairley Wood LLP recognizes the importance of privacy and personal information.  Our law firm is committed to maintaining and securing any personal information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.  This Policy will outline how we manage your personal information and how we protect it from loss, unauthorized access, or disclosure.

Collecting Personal Information

Personal Information is defined as:

  • Information about an identifiable individual as defined from time to time in applicable privacy legislation.  It does not include business contact information, your name, title or position, business address, telephone number, fax number or email address.

Gionet Fairley Wood LLP may collect personal information including:

  • Name, home address, telephone number;

  • Personal email address;

  • Billing/account information;

  • Credit card information; and 

  • Information related to identifying an individual.  Personal information does not include business information.

Use of Personal Information

Anyone retained as a client of Gionet Fairley Wood LLP, is required to provide their personal information, as required by the Law Society of Ontario.  We will use your personal information to provide legal advice and services to you, give legal opinions and contact you, when it is required.

If the need arises, your personal information may be required to be shared between Gionet Fairley Wood LLP and authorized third parties, including opposing parties, opposing counsel, agents or advisors, witnesses and adjudicators.

Disclosure of Personal Information 

Gionet Fairley Wood LLP may disclose your personal information to:

  • Retain service providers for the firm including marketing, data processing, office services, computer back up services, and document management;

  • Retain third party or parties, where in you consent to disclose your information;

  • Render accounts for services, process credit card payments and collect unpaid fees and accounts;

  • Advise clients of new changes or developments that pertain to the firm;

  • Officials of the Law Society of Ontario, who may audit the firm and our regulatory activities;

  • Where you, as the client, consent to such disclosure;

  • Where disclosure is required or permitted by law

Protecting and Destructing your Personal Information 

We will take all necessary measures to ensure your information is secure and kept safe from loss or unauthorized access. 

  • Information reported on paper is stored under strict supervision or safely secured in restricted areas;

  • Our electronic hardware is password protected and secured in restricted area;

  • Technological safe guards such as industry standard firewalls and password protection practices will prevent hacking or any unauthorized computer access;

  • Train Staff and Associates to safely collect, use and disclose information that complies with the Privacy Policy.

Access to your Personal Information

Our clients are permitted to access their personal information, upon a written request sent to our Office Manager.  Any information held by the firm that is incorrect or not accurate will be corrected and updated by our Office Manager.



Any questions or concerns regarding our Terms of Use Policy, please contact our Office Manager.

Stephanie Wilson
Suite 100
152 Bayfield Street
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 3B5
