Alex Daley | Associate

  • Alex is an associate at Gionet Fairley Wood LLP who works in the area of civil litigation with a focus on contractual disputes and construction law.

    • Commercial Litigation

    • Construction Law

    • Creditors Rights

    • Real Estate Litigation

    • Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

    • Commercial Leasing

    • Contractual and Property Disputes

  • Alex obtained his Bachelor of Arts with Honors from Wilfrid Laurier University. He then went on to earn his Bachelor of Laws with Honors from City, University of London in England.

    While at law school, Alex was elected by his peers as the Student Representative for his cohort. In this capacity he was responsible for advocating and negotiating with the University on behalf of his peers for various matters.

    During his first year of law school, Alex completed a placement with a U.K. law firm, gaining practical hands-on experience. During his second year of law school, Alex was the recipient of the City Law School Certificate of Academic Achievement.

    In his spare time, Alex enjoys golfing in the summer and playing hockey in the winter.

    • Credentials: Call to the Bar: 2023

    • Member, Simcoe County Law Association

    • Member, The Advocates' Society

Smiling headshot of associate Alex Daley